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A mostrar mensagens com a etiqueta repeating clothes

remix piece: more red coat

i wish good-weekend! .......................... desejo-vos um bom fim de semana!  bye bye by cayridice everyday fashion... live your comments or questions/deixe aqui o seu comentário ou questões:

repeating clothes:gray dress

by cayridice everyday fashion... live your comments or questions/deixe aqui o seu comentário ou questões:

repeating clothes: CARAMEL BLAZER part 2

why i do remix piece, do you want to know why? so ready this/ Porquê que eu faço remix peça. queres saber porquê? então lê isto: http://cayridiceverydayfashion.blogspot.com/2011/09/repeating-clothesrepetir-roupa.html  xoxo by cayridice everyday fashion... live your comments or questions/deixe aqui o seu comentário ou questões:

repeating clothes/repetir roupa

by cayridice everyday fashion... live your comments or questions/deixe aqui o seu comentário ou questões:

repeating clothes/repetir roupa: calças amarelas

cayridice everyday fashion

repeating clothes/repetir roupa: calças vermelhas

cayridice everyday fashion

lookbook:red pants and red wedges

hi on Fridays I'm usually too lazy to wear .. but as I prepare the weekly wardrobe, so I do not waste time in the morning to dress or know what to wear. sometimes I usually repeat some pieces of clothing or accessories.cayridice everyday fashion. xoxo ............. oi as sexta feiras eu normalmente fico com muita preguiça de vestir..mas como eu preparo o guarda roupa semanal, eu assim não perco tempo de manha para vestir ou saber o que vestir. por vezes eu costumo repetir algumas peças de roupa ou acessorios. xoxo

repeating clothes/repetir roupa

repeating parts is one way to renovate / innovate / save: 1. to renew my tip is to use accessories which have a major impact on clothing, accessory use is one way to reinvent my look from day to day 2. remember you're not a celebrity (they have clothes offers) and neither a rich pop star. So my dear friend, if your salary or allowance is monthly, so you have a tight budget, my tip is: REPEAT ALWAYS much as you can, or you can give yourself the luxury of repeating! No one will judge you by what you clothes (at least ups in the real world). Repeating their clothes while they are clean, free of defects, wear, and while not out of fashion (for 2 or 3 years depends). Repeat washing is not a crime. 3. Additional tips: Prepare the wardrobe for the week well in advance, begin visualizing what to wear during the weekend, in your mind. This not only avoids the daily struggle with her wardrobe, but will also save your precious time when you're in a hurry or late for work. Or if t